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Saturday, September 13, 2014

Views on Writing

Before I started my English 1510 class at Ohio University I thought I was a really good writer. I thought writing came to everyone naturally, and thought that being able to spell words and use the correct grammar was a sign of a good writer. It didn't take me long to figure out how wrong I was. My first assignment was to write an summary on a article we read. At that moment I realized that not only could I not find the right words to say but how to say it. When reading any book, article, or story I automatically picture what is going on, but in this writing I couldn't picture it. I knew what the article said but for the life of me I couldn't tell you. Many articles we had read in the first week or so was about how we write and how to be a good writer. That's were I learned how bad I was. The articles told us about how the grammar didn't matter as much as the content. They also showed different way people research data. They explained how to make acceptable surveys, interviews and observations. They also showed and explained that people interact in Discourse community's. As weird as that sounded to me, it made total since. We all act different in different surroundings, like at work opposed to at home or school. We all have a certain click that we interact with. We don't realize it but there are certain rules on the way you act in the community, and you don't just join a new community you watch and learn how they work and slowly you join the community. It was the weirdest ways of explaining this interaction but made complete and total sense.